Spanish Translation and Interpretation Studies

The new minor in Translation and Interpretation is designed for intermediate-high to advanced-mid learners of Spanish who seek specialized training leading to a credential for professional work in the field of translation and interpretation. A minor in Translation and Interpretation will develop students’ analytical skills, linguistic competence, cultural literacy, and knowledge of professional cultures in the Spanish-speaking world. Given the increased presence of Spanish-speaking populations in the U.S. and the needs of Iowa businesses to communicate and collaborate with these audiences, students minoring in translation and interpretation would be well positioned for excellent employment in the U.S.  Since no major or minor in Spanish translation and interpretation exists in any of the Iowa Regents universities and there is no state-wide licensure in translation and/or interpretation, this minor responds to student demand and meets workforce needs.  The minor also aligns with the Department of World Languages and Cultures initiatives related to the marquee Languages and Cultures for Professions (LCP) program.  

The minor offers a comprehensive, systematic, and in-depth study on topics in translation and interpretation studies, concentrating on both the theoretical and practical aspects.  Courses furthermore study and perform translation and interpretation in the context of Spanish-speaking professional cultures. Students choosing this minor learn about cultural heritage, business, science and technological fields, and social transformations, while also developing critical thinking skills, advanced linguistic competence, and cultural awareness. All courses in the minor will be offered completely in Spanish and concentrate on the technical and specialized aspects of language within various Hispanic cultures. 

See below the requirement for the program:

The minor in Translation and Interpretation requires 15 credits from the following three categories. Enough flexibility is built into the minor to allow substitutions based on individual student needs.  Required and elective courses are all offered annually. 

Choose one of the following courses (3 cr.)

Span 3030B: Spanish Conversation for Professionals (3 cr.)  

Span 3040: Spanish for Global Professionals (3 cr.) 

The following two required courses (6 cr.): 

Span 3510: Introduction to Spanish-English Translation (3) 

Span 3540: Introduction to Spanish-English Interpretation (3)  

Choose two of the following courses (6 cr.)

Span 3520: Introduction to Spanish Phonology (3) 

Span 4620: Contrastive Analysis of Spanish-English for Translators (3) 

Span 4630: Contemporary Spanish Linguistics (3) 

Transfer credit accepted at ISU or credit earned on an ISU-approved study abroad program can apply toward the minor. The minor is intended for students pursuing or holding a baccalaureate degree at ISU and open to any student with proficiency in Spanish that would place them into the 300-level.